Monday 3 June 2013

Greeting People

When we want to communicate with another person it is very important to know how to ask for their name or how to start a conversation. Here are two short videos that show a few different ways of saying hello and asking for a person's name.

Watch the videos and complete the excercise at the end.



As you could see, there were just 5 short phrases to say hello or ask a person's name. Now complete the excercises. They will pop up in another window.

Once you are done with the exercises you can continue with more vocabulary and phrases. This video is about saying hello and goodbye.

Try to make a few sentences saying hello to someone and giving a short response. If nobody is near you it can be done out loud. An alternative is to leave a message right here with your phrases.

Now let ask others WHERE ARE THEY FROM? Listen and pay attention to the following videos.

Finally here are two more videos. I hope they help you to get more confidence speaking English. Remember that you can always pause and play the video at any given time.

 Conversation Skills - How to keep a conversation going


Conversation Skills - Speak with confidence


- Record a video explaining how to introduce to people in English.
- Do the exercise here.


A great place for english videos: (engVid)
Real conversational English website: (Real English)

1 comment:

  1. Muy interesante, Gabriel.

    Te hemos aƱadido a nuestra lista de blogs amigos.

